Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Bald Eagle                      

A bald eagle, its powerful wings spread wide, returns to its mountain home with food for its hungry young. The bald eagle's while head feathers give appearance of baldness

Eagle is the name of some of the largest and most powerful bird in the world. Among birds of prey, only condors and some species of vultures are larger than eagles. Eagles look fierce and pound, and they sometimes soar gracefully high in the air. They are often picture as courageous hunter and have long been symbols of freedom and power. The golden eagle best fits this description and is sometimes called “king of birds’ But eagle are not always as bold and fierce as they look. Most will eat whatever flesh is easiest to get, including carrion (dead animals). The bald eagle, for example is not as graceful as the golden eagle and is a timid hunter. It feeds mainly on fish and carrion.
          Eagle are careful to avoid danger. They usually stay away from human beings and rarely attack except when cornered. A few species of eagle also may attack when defending their nets and young. An eagle’s chief weapon are its powerful leg, feet, and talons (claws). Some eagle also bite in self-defence. Eagle may attack newborn lambs or other livestock, but they do so only rarely, and only if the animal is alone.
          Roman warriors used a golden figure of an eagle as a sign of strength and bravely. Russian and Austrian emperors also used eagle as symbols. The United States chose the bald eagle as its nation bird in 1782.

 The body of an Eagle
 Golden and bald eagles are from 75 to 90 centimeters long. They weigh from 3.5 to 6 kilograms. They have a wingspan of about 2 meters. Other eagle are much smaller. The hawk-eagle of Africa and Asia are only 45 to 55 centimeters long. Female eagles are slightly larger than males.
     If the wind and other flying condition are favourable, some species of eagle maybe able to carry prey.weighing nearly as much as themselves. Normally, how ever, eagle can only carry smaller prey.

The head is large and covered with feathers. The eagle has large eyes that are located on the sides of its head. However, it can see straight ahead . Most bird have keener sight than humans and other animals, but eagle and hawks are said to have the keenest sight of all. Eagle can probably sight their prey while soaring high in the air. However, they usually fly close to the ground while they are hunting. Eagles have large, strong breaks that have sharp hooks at the tip that tear up their prey. The golden eagle;s beak is about 5 centimeters long and 2.5 centimeter deep (from top to bottom). The bald eagle's beak is even larger.

Feet and legs.Eagles have strong legs and feet.The feet of most eagles are bright yellow. Eagles seize and kill their prey with the long, curve talons on their feet. The golden eagle's legs are covered with feathers. The lower part of the bald eagle's legs is bare.

Feathers and wings. Eagles have such long, board wing and tails that they look clumsy when they are on the ground. But the wings easily support their heavy bodies when they fly. Eagles can glide long distance by holding their wings out stiffly. The long Feathers in their wings are strong and stiff, and they are shaped so the air flows smoothly ever the surface of the wing. When the eagle soar, the feathers spread out like fingers and bend up at the tips. Eagles sometimes use their wings to beat on prey, but not to fight When eagles fight, they dive and try to strike with their talons.
Most eagles are dark brown or black, but many have white areas. Young eagles do not have feathers that match their parent's until are about four years old.

The life of an eagle
wild eagles generally live for 20 to 30 years. In captivity. eagles may live 50 years or more. Young eagles first breed when they are about four years old and keep the same mates for life. But if one dies, the other usually find another mate and breeds the next year. In winter, eagles may gather in areas with plentiful food. but during the breeding season each pair claims a territory around its nest and keeps other eagles away. The golden eagles defends a territory of about 50 to 160 square kilometers. The bald eagles holds a smaller territory. Three bald eagle nest may lie within 1.5 kilometers of each other.

Nests of eagles are called eyries. Bald eagles usually build their eyries in the tops of tall trees that are near water. Some nest on cliffs. Golden eagles usually nest on high cliffs in the mountains. Some eagles in Asia even nest on the ground. Bald eagles use the same eyrie every year. Many golden eagles have two eyries, using one eyrie one year and the other the next year.
Eagles build eyries mainly with sticks. They often decorate the eyries with fresh green leaves while they are using it. They add new material every year they use it so many old eyries are very big. A new eyrie may be only 90 centimeters across and 45 centimeters deep. But an old eyrie may be about 3 meter across and 4.5 meters deep.

Eggs are about 8 centimeters long and 5 centimeters across. Females usualy lay two eggs each year, but rarely they lay three. Golden eagle eggs are white or spotted with reddish-brown or gray. Bald eagles eggs are white, and they become stained with yellow while in the nest.

Facts in brief                                                                                                                    

Names: Adult, eagles; young eaglet.
Incubation period: 35-42 days, depending on species
Length of life: Throughout the world, except in Antarctica and where killed off by people.
Scientific classification: Eagles belong to the class Aves, and the order Falconiformes. They form part of the subfamily Buteoninae in the family Accipitridae. Within the subfamily, the larger species are generally called eagles and the smaller species hawks or buzzards, but there is no rigid distinction.

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